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6 ways you can raise awareness for mental health

Mental illnesses affects 1 in 4 people. A lot of us know that they are more common than most people think. Everyday, many people who suffer from a mental illness face stigma and discrimination whether it be in work, in public, with friends. This is because too many people either don't understand and want to learn more, or don't understand because they refuse to learn more. However, there are definitely ways in which we can all change that. Mental health is so important, just as important as physical health and it really should not go unnoticed. By raising awareness not only can we educate those who don't understand, but also we can encourage and give confidence to those suffering to reach out and talk about what they are going through.

1. Talk about it. Talk about mental health and illnesses and encourage people not to be judgemental. To add to this, kindly educate those around you on how to talk about illnesses as this is something that I feel needs to be encouraged more. Far too often you will find that many people don't know how to approach the topic, whether it be difficult for them or they just don't understand.

2. Talk to others about how they are feeling. Start with your loved ones, check in on how they are doing regularly. If you know someone who is struggling with a mental illness, reach out to them especially. Be supportive and always make sure to listen to those close to you.

3. Learn the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses. Know what to watch out for not only in others but yourself.

4. If there is a way in your community that you can raise awareness or support your own mental health by donating your time to others. I helped out in a mental health charity shop once where they were talking and educating others on mental health. I'm not a professional whatsoever but I was able to share my story. I'm not the most confident person and talking to others can be extremely difficult for me - I usually avoid it in any way I can, but I knew it was something that could be of help to someone.

5. Sharing your story. This is something that I am slowly finding the confidence to do. It is a scary thing, but so so helpful to not only others, but yourself. For you, it is a way to let out everything you keep to yourself, everything you want to tell people but have been to afraid. For others, it shows them that it is more than okay to reach out for help, to talk about how they're feeling or what they have been through. Not only that but it will give hope to others and remind them that above all, they are not alone.
I have learned that there is nothing to be ashamed of when sharing your story. It takes time. But only do it if you feel ready to. Never feel as if you are being pressured into sharing things that you don't want to.

You can read stories that have been shared here; Time to Change or Mind

6. Share a link on your social media. It doesn't matter how many facebook friends you have, how many people follow your twitter, Instagram or whatever social media platform you have. One post could impact so many, all it takes is the first share. It could be a link to the ones I shared above with other peoples stories. It could be to a facebook group. A charity page. An online forum/mental health community. Even a blog post. Just think that by sharing one thing online, you could be helping someone who is either struggling themselves, or wants to help someone they love, etc.

Anything you do - and there is nothing too small or too big - to start the conversation about mental health will make a huge impact. So, let's rise above the stigma together.

Thank you so much for reading,

for any more information on how to raise awareness for mental health, get involved with Mind or Nami, or a mental health charity local to you.

Until next time, be you and keep smiling.



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