Ihad never planned on going to university and although a lot of people continuously tell me that I should have at least tried it before deciding on not to go, I still believe that it will never be for me. My decision upon finishing college was very much based on the state of my mental health at the time. I knew that after seeing how badly college affected my mental health that university wasn't the right path to take. Believing in doing what I want, not what others expected of me really helped me to make my decision and despite hearing 'you're missing out on the best three years of your life' time and time again, I do not regret my decision one bit.
I can't stress how much I know myself and how much I know it isn't for me, and I try to explain to others that it wouldn't have been essential for what I want to do so going straight into full time work was the experience that I wanted instead, and I am happy with that. Sure, if I wanted a career in something that made it essential for me to have a degree or masters in something beforehand then I would have gone forward with it and tried my best.
I'm thankful that the majority of my family were understanding and wanted me to do whatever made me happy, so I am quite relieved that no one tried to push me into university. I suppose with me being extremely stubborn, hard-headed and independent that they all knew there was no way they could change my mind.
The only thing they said to me, especially my dad and grandparents, was to always use my love for art and writing and to never let go of that. Of course though, it's what I want my future to be based around.
I feel like I have finally become the laid back person that I have always wanted to be when it comes to life in general. I know it may sound irresponsible, but to plan every step of my life and follow those exact steps, every day, month, year of my life until I take my last breath and never doing the things that I want just seems crazy to me. Let me follow my own path, let me be lazy at times, let me work my ass off getting what I want in MY own way. There's no need to question me why I haven't followed suit to everyone. I'm doing my thing just like everyone else, it's just that this just so happens that university wasn't in my path and I don't think I have to go and that it's completely crazy that I'm not going. I definitely stand by the 'I'm young, there's no need to rush anything' saying. I'm happy. Yes, I have some life changing things happening but I'm happy and financially stable despite me not being in my dream career just yet, but that's completely okay with me. I'm confident that I will get to where I want to be, I'm just doing it at my own pace because I know what's right for me and what I can handle.
Last thing that I wanted to say (sorry for going on and on!) someone in work who was leaving to go back to university last year asked me 'don't you want to be successful, though?' because I had said that university wasn't for me, but my answer is this...
Success to me isn't having money, a wonderful house and car or a fancy job - apparently wanting to be a tattooist and writer isn't good enough. It's being happy doing what I'm doing and finally learning to love and and enjoy my life. Plus, not attending university isn't the end of the world, it just means I'm taking a different path, and that's okay.
Thank you for reading, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts or maybe even what you've decided your path is. Or, even if you really disagree with me and things I'm totally nuts, leave a comment because I appreciate everyone's thoughts.
Until next time, be you and keep smiling.
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